
The Bar: 1996
Solicitor: 1991


Macquarie University LLB, Macquarie University BEC

Contact Details

42 Church Street
Newcastle  NSW  2300

p. +61 2 4929 6232
f.  +61 2 4929 5524


Ian graduated in 1991 from Macquarie University with degrees in law and economics.  He worked as a solicitor at Mullane & Lindsay in Newcastle from 1991 until 1996, at which time he went to the Bar.  Ian has practised a wide variety of areas of law as a solicitor and as counsel, including contract, commercial, property, defamation, copyright, equitable claims, misleading/deceptive conduct, crime, employment law, civil claims and building disputes.

In more recent years his practice has developed a primary focus on family law and he appears for clients in all types of family law cases, both parenting and property matters, and in particular property matters involving substantial asset pools, corporate entities and third parties, as well as farming cases.

Ian is regularly asked to present papers to members of the profession at seminars and conferences. His papers include:

  • Third parties in family law property proceedings for NSW Bar Association in 2015 and for Newcastle Law Society in 2008
  • Preparation in property proceedings; for Hunter Valley Family Law Practitioners Association in 2014, for Hastings Valley Family Law Practitioners in 2014, for Tamworth Law Society in 2014 and for Newcastle Law Society in 2011
  • An Eye on Bias for Hunter Valley Family Law Practitioners Association in 2010 and then for Learned Friends Professional Education, Lord Howe Island in 2014
  • Trusts for the Family Court of Australia lunchtime seminars in 2014
  • Financial Agreements: Are they binding, setting them aside and enforcement for Hunter Valley Family Law Practitioners Association in 2009
  • Capacity as it affects parties and witnesses: an interactive discussion about challenges and solutions in procedure and evidence for Bar Association NSW, Newcastle Conference 2017

Ian has been recognised by Doyle’s Guide to the Legal Profession 2018 as one of the leading Family Law junior counsel in New South Wales.