Practice Areas

  • Commissions and other Inquiries Coronial inquests BARRISTERS:  Michael Weightman, Molly Willoughby

  • Appearances in the Federal Court, Federal Circuit Court, Supreme Court, District Court, Fair Work Commission and other tribunals in which workplace relations matters are heard relating to: Employment law claims Industrial disputes and statutory employment rights Discrimination Occupational health and safety prosecutions Employment contracts Public sector appeals Restraint of trade BARRISTERS:  Michael Weightman,  Alexander Gallimore

  • Constructive and resulting trust claims Applications for judicial advice Litigation concerning breaches of trusts and removal of trustees Family provision claims Rectification of wills Testamentary capacity Litigation concerning the proper administration of estates BARRISTERS:  Warwick Tregilgas, Andrew Justice

  • Building disputes in NCAT Building & Construction Contractual disputes Corporations law Insurance Partnership disputes Professional liability Mediation BARRISTERS: Andrew Justice, Michael Weightman, Alexander Gallimore

  • All aspects of criminal law, including trials, summary hearings, bail applications and sentence hearings relating to: Crimes against the person Drugs Environmental and planning offences Extradition Fraud Juvenile justice Mental illness Proceeds of crime/money laundering Property offences Sexual assault Traffic White collar and corporate crime Work health and safety BARRISTERS:   Michael Weightman, Matthew Guyder,  Alexander Gallimore, Molly Willoughby

  • Motor vehicles / CTP Insurance – disability claims CARS assessments Workers Compensation Commission Negligence Professional negligence Work injury damages Mediation BARRISTERS:  Michael Weightman,  Alexander Gallimore,

  • Newcastle Chambers has a significant family law practice.  Our barristers appear regularly in both parenting and property matters in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, at Newcastle as well as Sydney and Brisbane, and regularly travel to the Wauchope, Armidale and Tamworth circuits. Types of matters they are briefed in include but are not limited to: Parenting – live with/spend time with applications, parental responsibility, relocation including international relocation, Magellan cases Property settlements Spousal maintenance Child support De facto relationships Conciliation conferences and mediations, as well as reaching settlements by informal negotiations on the day ...

  • All members of Newcastle Chambers regularly advise and represent clients in all forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution including Mediation, Arbitration and Informal Settlement Conferences. Mediation is a means of Family Dispute Resolution where parties involved in a dispute involving parenting and/or financial issues are assisted by an independent third party to help them reach an agreement without the need for attendance at Court. Arbitration is another form of Family Dispute Resolution where parties present arguments and evidence to an independent third party, the Arbitrator, who makes a determination. Arbitration may be voluntary or Court ordered and is more formal and structured. ...