
The Bar: 1987



AIFLAM Accredited Arbitrator

Contact Details

42 Church Street
Newcastle  NSW  2300

p. +61 2 4929 5983
f.  +61 2 4929 5524


Warwick Tregilgas was admitted as a Barrister in November 1987.

He practices almost exclusively in family law, both parenting and financial matters, with some appellant appearances in the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia.

He regularly attend as counsel in conciliation conferences, mediations and arbitrations.

Mr Tregilgas is a qualified Arbitrator and Mediator.

Mr Tregilgas regularly presents papers to professional associations such as the Bar Association of NSW, the Law Society of NSW and the local Family Law Practitioner’s Association.

In 2020 these have been:

“Mediations – Family Law – Learning to Dance. Again.”

“Running Hearings via Teams – Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste.”

He has appeared as counsel in the following reported cases:

  1. Watkins & Watkins (reopening and further evidence on appeals) (2004) FamCA 381
  2. Welch & Abney (superannuation and financial resources) (2016) FamCAFC 271
  3. Pawley & Pawley (No 2) Interim relocation) (2017) FamCAFC 136
  4. Dalton & Dalton (conflict of interest) (2017) FamCAFC 78

He has a special interest in advocacy in complex trials.